Manners Class Feb-Mar 2025

Registration Closed
Manners Class
  March 15, 2025 09:00 AM

  Mt Jumbo Gym Douglas

CKCOJ Member-Only Early-Bird registration for a discounted price is now available through Tuesday June 25th 6:00pm. After that date registration will be opened to the general public and will go to full price.

For dogs and puppies 10 weeks and older. You will first be introduced to effective communication to help building a better relationship with your dog. Activities will focus on positive training through attention exercises and teaching of basic commands. These include: sit, down, stay, come when called, polite greetings (no jumping), impulse control (no jumping or chasing), and loose leash walking.

We assume your dog has no training from the start, so the emphasis is on the basic commands. Another focus throughout the class is getting your dog to learn to ignore other dogs while on leash. We also work on exercises that will help you and your dog be better prepared when you are out and about on the trails. It’s also a good refresher class if you are interested in moving on to formal obedience, rally obedience, agility, or other dog sports.

Any dog that bites, growls, lunges, or exhibits any behavior that the instructor feels creates an unsafe situation toward other dogs or humans will be excused from class.

If you wish to become a CKCOJ Member go to CKCOJ Membership


Seats available
No tickets left for this date
Number of seats
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Erika King and Colton Scrudder
None - Public
Dogs over 10 weeks in age
$120.00 for CKCoJ Member Early Registration, Then $150 for Public
9:00am - 10:00am
6 classes 1 hour each
Dimension Id
Mt Jumbo Gym 909 4th St, Douglas, AK 99824




All Dates

  • February 15, 2025 09:00 AM
  • February 22, 2025 09:00 AM
  • March 01, 2025 09:00 AM
  • March 08, 2025 09:00 AM
  • March 15, 2025 09:00 AM
  • March 22, 2025 09:00 AM