The September, 2006 UKC Obedience Trial was a successful affair! One trial was held each day on Saturday and Sunday (September 2 and 3, 2006) at the Glacier Valley School Covered Playground in the Mendenhall Valley.

We were very fortunate to have excellent weather both days. I would like to thank our Judge, Tami Worley and the Whitehorse group for bringing us the superb weather. It turned out to be an absolutely lovely weekend.

HIT, Lisa Barnard & Kenai
Sherrie Jans & Chase NEW UCD

HIT, Lisa Barnard & Kenai
Sherrie Jans & Chase Qualifying score and Bumper leg in Novice

A HUGE THANK YOU to Anita Martin for volunteering her time to be the Trial Secretary. Without Anita there would not have been an obedience trial.

To our crew of wonderful stewards who took time out of their busy lives to help out at the trial THANK YOU. Without your efforts this trial would not have been as good as it was. I deeply appreciate all of your efforts. You are a wonderful group of club members as well as my very good friends. You took a load off of my mind when planning this event.
Andy McGregor
Jill Taylor
Linda Bolduc
Marty Messick
Pam Webb
Sue McGregor
Pam Webb

To our equipment haulers Sherrie Jans & Andy McGregor another huge THANK YOU!

Thanks go out to the efficient team of members who set up and broke down the equipment:
Jill Grose
Mary Opp
Sherrie Jans
Vicky McLaughlin

Thank You to Tami Worley for coming all the way to Juneau and thank you for bringing the great weather too.

Trial judge . . . Tami Worley
Trial chair . . . Susan Hoffman
Trial secretary . . . Anita Martin

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