Welcome to the Capital Kennel Club of Juneau website. Check out all the training and canine information we have to offer. Become a supporting member and participate in the many activities we have throughout the year. If you are a new dog owner, then we have many resources to help you and your friend. If you are a seasoned dog owner, we offer intermediate and advanced practices and UKC and NADAC trials locally.
Capital Kennel Club of Juneau to Host
3 UKC Licensed Obedience Trials
Fri Trial 1 | Sat Trial 1 |
Sat Trial 2 |
Entries Open | 5:00 pm | 9:00 am | 9:00 am |
Entries Close | 5:30 pm | 9:30 am | 9:30 am |
Start Time (no earlier than) |
5:30 pm | 9:30 am | 11:00 am |
Judge for Novice - Open - Utility |
Regina Vose | Regina Vose | Regina Vose |
Indoors, fully matted standard size ring, free standing PVC ring gates.
Move ups will be accepted at all trials. Please notify the Trial Secretary no later than 15 minutes before judging begins.
Ribbons for High in Trial, first through fourth placement, qualifying score, and high scoring junior.
Event | Entry Fee | Notes |
Obedience | $25.00 |
First Entry - for first entry of a dog by a handler in each trial |
Obedience | $15.00 |
Second Entry - for 2nd entry of same dog in the same trial (Junior handlers no fee) |
Event | Entry Fee | Notes |
Obedience | $30.00 |
First Entry - for first entry of a dog by a handler in each trial |
Obedience | $20.00 |
Second Entry - for 2nd entry of same dog in the same trial (Junior handlers no fee) |
Registration for the trial will be accepted up to and including the day of trial. Trial registrations received on or before January 26, 2024 may pay the pre-entry fees. Trial registrations received after that date must pay the day of trial entry fees.
Trial registration forms (entry forms) are available below in the INFORMATION section link titled Trial Entry Form.
Entry forms MUST include the dog's UKC registration number, no exceptions. UKC dog registration information is available here: http://www.ukcdogs.com/Web.nsf/WebPages/Registration/Home
Entry fees may be paid by cash or check made out to CKCOJ. No credit or debit card payments are accepted.
Mail entry forms together with entry fees to: George Utermohle, P.O. Box 20887, Juneau, AK 99802
*Out Of Town Entries*: Emailed entry forms will be accepted from out of town entries. Payment from out-of-town entries is due before the beginning of the 1st trial in which the exhibitor is entered.
The United Kennel Club complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require an accommodation, please contact the Event Chair or Secretary for this club’s event.
Refunds will be granted when requested by the participant for any reason prior to exhibiting the dog in a trial.
From the Auke Bay Ferry Terminal: turn right out of the terminal parking lot heading toward downtown. Turn right at the 10th street traffic light and go over the Douglas bridge. Go left at the round about heading south toward Douglas. Turn right on Fourth Street by the Douglas Inn (Louie’s) and the Douglas mini mart. Jumbo Gym is one block up on the left.