The February, 2006 UKC obedience trial was a great success! One trial was held each day on Saturday and Sunday (February 18 and 19, 2006) at the Mount Jumbo Gym in Douglas.
Several dogs had qualifying runs and a few earned titles as well. Here are the results of the trial:
Sunday --
Pat Kalbaugh -- Tess HIGH IN TRIAL
Saturday --
Gina Vose -- JuliusChicory Eddy -- Ajax New UCDX / HIGH IN TRIAL
Sunday --
Gina Vose -- Julius New UCDX
Saturday --
Sherrie Jans -- ChaseMary Opp -- Cuba New UCD
Sunday --
Sherrie Jans -- ChasePat Kalbaugh -- FrostieAran Felix -- Moe
Congratulations to all! None of this could have happened without the many volunteers: Camille Stephens, Andy McGregor, Sue McGregor, Sherrie Jans, Vicky McLaughlin, Jill Grose, Karen Capp, Mary Opp, Marty Messick, Aran Felix, Susan Hoffman, and Jill Taylor. Many people who were competing with their dogs also volunteered to help run the trial, true dedication! We also had several people who were not participating with their dogs come out and volunteer their time. Those volunteers are invaluable to the smooth running of a trial. A big thank you to all who helped out!
Trial judge . . . J'Anna Lyttle
Trial chair . . . Chicory Eddy
Trial secretary . . . George Utermohle